Introducing Emma, the breakfast bot


Many companies have breakfast Friday morning (at least in Denmark) – so do we in Bluefragments. We’re a consultant company and have people running in and out of our office – so we always ended up buying to much breakfast and just throwing it out. A few months ago we decided to do something about it – so we invented “Emma, the breakfast bot”.

In the beginning of the week Emma contacts all employees and asks if they will be joining for breakfast. At the end of the day on Thursday she sums up how many that have signed up. She have a calculation for what is needed for the breakfast – 1 piece of bread per person, 0.2L juice per person etc. Finally Emma contacts a local baker and orders the breakfast for delivery next morning.

Friday morning the breakfast is delivered, no humans involved in the ordering process and we only bought the breakfast actually needed.

We have made an agreement with Kringlexpressen about the ordering and delivery. Emma can talk with Kringlexpressen out-of-the-box and hence handle all of the delivery. If you prefer you can choose to receive an email with the breakfast needed instead of having it delivered.

We expect to ship her to the public in a short period of time. Initially Emma is available in Teams, Skype, Slack – in the near future she will also be available in Skype for Business and Facebook Messenger. If you want to beta-test Emma, hear more about how we build her or if you have any questions about Emma, you’re always welcome to write to
